To create an account, simply head to the Login or Register page and select Create Account . Fill in all your details and choose the “Clearance Issuer” profile.
You will receive an email with your WPCG ID. It can take up to 2 hours for you to receive this email.
Log into your account. go to My Training and then click on Work Clearance Issuer Pre Learning Course.
Once you have completed the Pre Learning course you will get the option to Book Classroom Training via the My Training menu option. You will receive an email with details of the training course 1 week prior to the course.
After attending the classroom session you will need to complete an online assessment. You can access the online course and assessment once payment has been received by logging into your account and selecting the My Training menu option.
Accreditation is valid for 2 years and can be extended by completing a refresher course. Before your accreditation is due to expire, you will receive a reminder email.
If registering for someone else or you need to make group bookings it is best to register as a Company Administrator. This profile allows you to register new users in your organisation, make bulk bookings and payments and manage/print out certificates of personnel with the WPCG accreditation in your organisation.
To create an account, simply head to the Login or Register page and select Create Account. Under Your Profile choose “Company Admin”.
You will receive an email with your WPCG ID. Normally you will receive the email immediately, though it can take up to 2 hours depending on web traffic. Once your application to be a company administrator has been approved you will be able to access the administrative options.
Log into your account by using your WPCG ID and password. From the main menu choose Register New Users menu option. Once you select submit, the system will issue them with a WPCG ID and send them an email with their log in details.
Arrange for the person that you have registered to complete the pre learning course. They will find the pre learning course via the My Training menu option. Once the pre learning course is completed you will see the date completed via the Manage Clearance Issuer menu option. At this stage you can then book them into a course.
Select the Manage Clearance Issuer menu option. Select all the users you need to book in and then click on “Book/Pay for Selected Profile”.
This takes you to the booking screen where you can choose which course you want the individuals to attend, and your payment option. All users will receive an email with details of the training course 1 week prior to the course.