Frequently Asked Questions

This material is guidance only to support the implementation and use of the WPCG Work Authorisation procedure. In the unlikely event, any of the content contradicts with requirements within the specific oil company requirements, WPCG Minimum Control Checklists, or WPCG Work Clearance Form, or legislation then the work instruction, procedure, or legislative requirement shall override this document.


Minor Hot Work Checklist

Does fusion welding inside a hazardous area require a permit?

Fusion welding in a hazardous area does not require a Work Permit.  However, it is important to note that the Minimum Controls Checklist for Minor Hot Work requires that no breaking containment can occur.  As such only fusion welding of new pipework in hazardous areas of other fuel systems would be able to be conducted.  Fusion welding on existing / live systems would require a Work Permit and Hot Work Certificate due to the greater potential for fuel vapours to be present in the area or pipework being fusion welded, and the additional precautions that may be necessary beyond those on the MCC.

Do WPCG requirements apply to driving self-propelled mobile equipment (e.g EWPs) through hazardous areas?

Mobilisation of workers and equipment to a Retail site or Depot is out of scope of the WPCG Work Authorisation process. However, once equipment has been delivered to site and the WPCG Work Clearance Form is authorised to commence work then WPCG requirements apply to all authorised work including any movement of an EWP into or through hazardous areas to perform a task within the site.

Can I use diesel concrete cutter in a hazardous area using the Work Clearance Form and Minimum Controls Checklists?

Yes, you require the Work Clearance Form with both the Ground Disturbance and Minor Hot Work Checklists and associated controls from all the forms in place. You are still required to do your risk assessment and have any controls for potential sparking in place. however if you are satisfied there will not be continual sparking like there is with an angle grinder then the work is considered minor hot work inside a hazardous area.

If there was continual sparking, or the concrete cutter was petrol driven, or not all controls on the Min Controls Checklist can be completed, then this would require a Work Permit and Permit Officer.

Can I use petrol, diesel or electrically powered mobile plant and equipment in Hazardous Areas?

Diesel or electrically powered mobile plant and equipment is within the scope of the WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist provided the controls required are implemented. It is considered reasonably practicable to utilise diesel or electrically powered equipment rather than petrol or LPG powered/ driven for the overwhelming majority of tasks (e.g. compressors, generators, EWP) or manually operated equipment (e.g. cold work gardening hand tools instead of a hedge trimmer) within Hazardous Areas.

Petrol powered equipment, e.g., petrol powered concrete cutters, will require a Work Permit from the WPCG Member Company when used within a Hazardous Area.  Petrol introduces flammable goods storage (i.e. the petrol within the device) as well as a source of ignition to the Hazardous Area.

What deems a person competent to conduct the gas testing associated with the Minor Hot Work Checklist?

It is recommended by the WPCG that the person is trained to a national unit of competency by a registered training organisation in testing atmospheres.  Companies may utilise their own in-house training or that offered by equipment suppliers.  Companies must keep records of training. These records and the training may be subject of audits by WPCG member companies.

A list of registered training organisations (RTO) approved to deliver national units of competency.  These can be found at

What national units of competency are available for the use of gas detectors should I choose to meet the WPCG recommendation for training in gas detection?

At the time of writing, there are two primary options available: MSMWHS217 or RIIWHS202D.  MSMWHS217 is preferred.

Elements and Performance Criteria for each unit as at time of release of this guidance:

  • RIIWHS202D – Enter and work in confined spaces only lists the following relevant element:

2.2       Ensure that the atmosphere is tested and monitored for harmful elements

  • MSMWHS217 – Gas test atmospheres requires:
1. Prepare for gas                   testing.

1.1 Determine type of gas/atmosphere to be tested.

1.2 Select and calibrate equipment in accordance with procedures.

1.3 Determine gas testing regime/sampling pattern required.

1.4 Identify hazards from possible atmosphere contaminants.

1.5 Implement hazard control measures, including use of appropriate personal protective equipment.

2. Test gas.

2.1 Use gas testing equipment to test gas as required.

2.2 Interpret and report readings.

2.3 Monitor gas on an ongoing basis as required.

2.4 Take required action(s) if readings are unacceptable.

3. Maintain equipment.

3.1 Clean and maintain gas testing equipment in accordance with procedures.

3.2 Inspect and fault find monitoring equipment in accordance with procedures.

3.3 Return gas testing equipment to required location and in required condition.

3.4 Maintain records of tests and results in accordance with procedures.

What training is needed for ongoing continuous monitoring of the gas detector in between the documented gas tests associated with the Minor Hot Work Checklist?

Any person deemed responsible for monitoring a gas detector during the work shall, as a minimum, have received instruction from a person trained and competent to inform them of the location of the gas detector for monitoring, the alarm settings of the unit, and what to do in the event of an alarm sounding.

Do contractors need to provide to WPCG their gas testing qualifications?

No. Just like other competencies for their work, companies must keep records of training. These records and the training may be subject of audits by WPCG member companies.

What gas detectors does WPCG require?

WPCG does not mandate a particular make or model of gas detector. To be used to conduct the gas testing associated with completion of the Minor Hot Work Checklist it does need to be rated for the hazardous area in which it will be used, within current calibration and “bump tested” prior to use.  AS/NZS 60079.29.2:2016 Explosive atmospheres Part 29.2: Gas detectors—Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen is available to support your selection decision.

If you are considering purchasing (or hiring) your own gas detectors here are some points to consider, other than the obvious things to check like hazardous area rating, alarms (visible and audible), and gas sensors in the unit:

  1. What calibration gas do you require?  On most models you should choose a calibration gas bottle with a gas with similar LEL calibration curve to the materials you wish to detect.  This may be something like Pentane or Hexane which have similar curves to Octane but are less readily available and likely higher cost in comparison to methane.  Methane (typically used) may not be representative without using correction factors either electronically within the unit or manually. When calibrated on methane the unit may read low (by a factor typically between 1.5 and 3) if testing for presence of petrol vapour (e.g. octane). For more information, consult your equipment supplier.
  2. Does it have a pump or ability to affix one? This is not mandatory for the WPCG Minimum Control Checklists but may be needed if you are also looking to utilise the device as a Permit Writer / Officer for use with the initial issue of Work Permits at times to test in vessels, pits and drains prior to issuing associated Work Permits or Certificates. Or is it a “passive” unit that has no such pump capability?
  3. How rugged is the unit?  Some have proved to last over 10 years.  Many cheaper units may only last a couple of years.
  4. Weight.  They can vary.  Some are significantly heavier than typical devices, some are smaller and much lighter.
  5. Servicing.  Can you readily service yourself to change sensors when required by the manufacturer?  For some, the design enables you to change the sensor cartridge more readily if you wish to do it yourself.  Many units would need to be sent back causing some delays and additional costs (possibly even the purchase of spare units to cover whilst others are being serviced).
  6. How easy is it to calibrate?  (calibrate, not just bump test) What support do you get to be shown how to do this?  Or do you need to send it away to be calibrated every 6 months? At what cost? Again, does this mean you would need to buy an additional unit to use during the period you have sent it away?
  7. How long do sensors last?  Often it is a common duration across different models, but may vary. Parts can be expensive and supply can be slow.  Some cheaper units you may choose to buy a new one when sensors expire rather than incur a similar cost for sensor replacement and calibration.
  8. Can you bump test to confirm operation prior to use? This is required by the Gas Test Checklists associated with the Minor Hot Work Checklist, and also for WPCG Member Company Work Permits / Certificates for Hot Work and Confined Space Entry.  It is strongly recommended by AS/NZS 60079.29.2:2016 Explosive atmospheres Part 29.2: Gas detectors—Selection, installation, use and maintenance of detectors for flammable gases and oxygen.
  9. If it can be calibrated, but cannot be bump tested, this type of instrument may be what AS600079.29.2:2016 refers to as a “Small, hand-held apparatus” that “may be used for leak-detection or spot checks,” rather than for use in a “multi-role mode so as to include leak detection, spot checking and local area monitoring functions”. If they are unable to comply with the WPCG requirement to be bump tested each day prior to use they cannot be utilised to perform testing associated with WPCG Gas Test Checklists or WPCG Member oil company Work Permits / Certificates.
  10. If you can’t bump test or calibrate it then it may fundamentally be a “personal monitor” rather than gas detector.  Some of these you just turn on and it lasts for a year or two without verification of accuracy other than a self-diagnostics without gas injection. Examples include units such as those worn for H2S in some industries (like Bitumen plants). These are typically not used to gas test the area prior to work, but are supplementary confirmation of safe levels of exposure at the worker breathing zone.  Such instruments cannot be utilised to perform testing associated with the WPCG Gas Test Checklists or WPCG Member oil company Work Permits / Certificates.

What gases are the gas detectors testing for?

As the gas testing associated with the Minor Hot Work Checklist is with respect to the risk of a flammable atmospheres rather than for a particular atmospheric contaminant that may pose a health risk, the gas detectors will need to test for (as a minimum) LEL, and O2.  These fields are required on the Minor Hot Work Checklist.  If your company JSA/SWMS identifies other risks requiring testing, e.g. CO from exhaust emissions (if applicable) then this would be required by your own risk assessment associated with the work.  Such risks are considered Task Hazards and are outside the scope of the Minor Hot Work Checklist. As such they are not required on the Minor Hot Work Checklist to ensure safe use of the equipment in the hazardous area with respect to site and process hazards. Also note that the Minor Hot Work Checklist cannot be used in Confined Spaces which may require additional gas testing, in accordance with WPCG Member Company requirements.

WPCG Permit Officers

How many people are required on site for a confined space entry?

This is dependent on the confined space.  There must be sufficient workers on-site to complete the task inside the confined space plus a CSE standby. Depending on the confined space and the geographic location there may be additional persons needed on site to affect your rescue plan.  Note: the Permit Officer is not permitted to enter or work in the confined space under their own Work Permit but may perform a dedicated safety role which may include the role of a CSE standby / observer. Remember all work must comply with each states regulators requirements.

There may be some differences between the WPCG member companies in how this Permit to Work program is applied, what are they?

The WPCG Member companies are accountable for communicating any additional requirements that may remain within their organisations and updating you on any changes to individual company requirements.  It should be noted WPCG is a common Authority to Work process and is not a common Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Management System.

Some key requirements of direct relevance to Permit to Work that will remain include:

bp will continue to require its’ Task Risk Assessment Process, known as HITRA, for all Work Permits that require the minimum level of authority to be a Senior Permit Officer.  Senior Permit Officers must be bp HITRA trained, IN ADDITION to being a WPCG Senior Permit Officer.  Contact bp for more information.

Viva Energy considers high risk work at height to be 1.8m, whereas bp considers it to be 2m, and Ampol does not specify.  Notwithstanding this, the risk of falling from one level to another must be considered and as such the Minimum Controls Checklists must be used for heights lower than these.  These heights are merely the triggers related to potential to fall when working within 2m of an exposed edge that would trigger a Work Permit.

What are the industry experience requirements for a new Permit Officer?

Applicants require a minimum of two years oil industry experience or another industry with equivalent Work Permit requirements

How does the Work Authorisation process apply to Principal Contractor arrangements?

The WPCG Work Authorisation process apples to WPCG member facilities sites when there is fuel within bulk site fuel assets.  A WPCG member company may consider equivalent Principal Contractor Permit to Work systems as alternative.  A WPCG member company will approve use of such systems under the contract.  Otherwise it is up to the Principal Contractor to apply the appropriate control of work processes.

How does auditing of live Work Permits on site work?

Each WPCG Member Company has its own contractor monitoring processes to ensure compliance on their sites.  These will continue.  The WPCG also conducts audits.

If I’m never going to issue a Work Permit with a Confined Space Entry or Working At Heights Certificate do I still need to complete the perquisite training requirements?

You should only issue a Work Permit for which you are competent to issue.

All Permit Officers migrating from Ampol, bp and Viva Energy will be given Recognised Prior Learning for Working at Height with respect to issuing Work Permits.   

For Confined Space Entry, all Confined Space Entry entrants, standby personnel, and Permit Officers are trained in Confined Space Entry to a National Unit of Competence by a Registered Training Organisation and current within the past 3 years.

New Permit Officers will need the pre-requisite external certificates of competence, so that you understand the work and the hazards associated with the work as you will be authorised to issue a Work Permit with those Certificates as a Permit Officer.  You also need to have an understanding of Confined Spaces, in particularly, so that you do not issue a Work Permit for work in a Confined Space if you have not maintained currency of training.  The pre-requisites also serve to minimize the material that WPCG need to present during the Permit Officer training and avoids duplication for those that require the National Unit of Competence for other work purposes.

How will the Authorised Gas Tester authorisation process work?

The Authorised Gas Tester will need to be competent in a national unit of competence in gas testing, conducted by a registered training organization; or the Authorised Gas Testers organisation will be required to demonstrate equivalent competency and have this authorised in writing and accepted by WPCG. One way to achieve this might be to have your existing training mapped to the national unit of competence and submit this to WPCG for authorisation.

If a Permit Officer & Permit Receiver do everything they could and something goes wrong do I have any protection?

WPCG does not provide professional indemnity or insurance.  Permit Officers and Permit Receivers should seek their own advice on financial protection or insurances and comply with any WPCG Member company minimum requirements for any such insurances carried by their organization in accordance with relevant contractual requirements, as applicable.   

What if there is a minor change like I need to add an electrical tool missed on the permit?

Only the Permit Officer who issued the permit can amend the Work Permit. Otherwise a new Work Permit must be issued.  Any changes must be initialized by the Permit Officer, and the Work Permit must be endorsed by a Permit Endorser at the work site prior to the change being implemented. The Permit Officer does not have to be on site to amend a Permit. However, it is important to note that the Permit Endorser must receive a verbal handover (as a minimum) from the Permit Officer of the change (if they are not the same person) and must endorse the revised Work Permit at the work site.

Does there have to be a hard copy of the Work Permit on site?

A hard copy does not have to be on site. However, there must be a copy available to everyone at the work site.  This may be an electronic version.

What if the Work Permit expires and we need more time?

All work authorised by the Work Permit must stop. A new Work Permit would need to be issued.

Where do we document the training of workers?

The WPCG Process will not cover off all aspects of Work Health and Safety.  It will not be providing a system to document all the training and competencies of your workforce.  It will only be providing information on the training, and currency thereof, in the WPCG Work Clearance, Minimum Controls, and Work Permit processes.

What if there is no site representative present, e.g. unstaffed site or after-hours?

The Permit Officer in such case may be deemed authorized to be the Site Representative and sign this section of the Work Permit if the WPCG member company has authorized them to Permit the work on an unstaffed site or site after-hours.  If in doubt, contact the relevant WPCG member company representative.

Can the endorser work under a Work Permit they are nominated as an endorser for?

Yes, so long as they are not the Permit Officer for the Work Permit.

Why wont the permit pads be in duplicate so there can be a copy with the permit officer and a copy with the permit receiver?

One copy must remain at the work site with the Permit Receiver.  A second copy may be obtained by the Permit Officer, e.g. by photocopying, scanning, printing and signing duplicate, or photographing with their phone (in compliance with requirements with regards to use of phones on site).  It is anticipated that most Work Permits will be issued electronically, once available.  As such there will be a copy available in the cloud for records, and review by the Permit Officer at a later date or off site, in addition to one available on the work site.

How will electronic and paper versions be kept on site if there is only 1 copy and the PO is not staying on site?

Electronic copies can always be retrieved from the WPCG system.  There are other technologies available to make copies as required including copiers/scanners at sites, devices/cameras etc.

What if the Work Permit controls over rule the Work Clearance e.g. Stopping Work when a tanker turns up? Hot work can only recommence 30mins after tanker delivery.

The Work Permit is authorized by a person with greater authority and will take precedence over the Work Clearance including any standard requirements that may be deemed by the Permit Officer as not required (or not sufficient) for a particular task due to the level of risk.  For example, the opposing example to that given may be that the Work Permit requires hot work not to commence for 30mins after tanker delivery and also a repeat of gas testing has been conducted prior to work recommencing.

Once I’m a WPCG Permit Officer can I issue WPCG Work Permits on any site?

This system applies to WPCG Member facilities, the WPCG Member Companies will recognise the WPCG Permit Officer accreditation on their sites within scope of WPCG provided the Permit Officer has been engaged by the WPCG Member Companies or an accredited contractor of the WPCG Member Companies. 

Note; some types of facilities may require additional authorization from the member company to be engaged to issue a WPCG Work Permit on certain types of facilities due to the focus of the WPCG training on the Retail environment.  Examples include Aviation facilities, pipelines and terminals.  Consult the WPCG member company for information on any such requirements.

Is there a way to stop a tick and flick approach by Permit Officers when completing the forms?

WPCG and oil company representatives will be undertaking spot audits in accordance with audit and assurance processes.  A Permit Officer risks losing his or her accreditation if it is found they are not following the correct process.  There will be a fair and transparent process for any such action which, if it were to occur, is likely to be a loss of WPCG accreditation and therefore across all WPCG facilities and not just those at which a particular incident (or series of incidents) occurred.

Can I go straight from probationary to senior PO, if buddy certificates include confined space

Yes, if they can demonstrate the required level of competence, and amongst the Work Permits submitted from the buddy process have at least 2 high risk certificates that require authorization by a Senior Permit Officer for that task.

The Work Authorisation Procedure only mentions the training requirements for Confined Space Entry and Work At Heights for Permit Officers. What about Work Clearance Issuers, Permit Receivers and Permit Endorsers?

Everyone with a role in the WPCG Work Authorisation process must be trained and competent for that role to the requirements of the WPCG Work Authorisation procedure: i.e. Permit Officer, Permit Receiver, Permit Endorser, Work Clearance Issuer, Authorised Gas Tester.

The oil company engaging the work Contractor, or operating the facility, may also have additional training requirements for specific tasks such as Confined Space Entry, Work at Height and wearing of Respiratory Protective Equipment.  You should consult the relevant oil company to confirm requirements for your task.

It is important to note that Permit Officers issuing Work Permits for Confined Space Entry need to be trained in Confined Space Entry to a National Unit of Competence by a Registered Training Organisation and current within the past 3 years. Additionally the same training is required for all confined space entrants, standby personnel and other confined space workers.

Additionally, all workers are expected to be trained and competent for the work they are performing or supervising in accordance with any contractual arrangements with the engaging company, legal requirements and the Contractors’ Safety Management processes.  Re-training or refresher training should be provided as appropriate for a particular workplace. The training frequency should take into account the worker’s competence and their ability to retain competence through regular exposure to the equipment and skills required to perform the task and respond to an emergency.

Retail Site Induction

I’m a WPCG Company Administrator, what do I need to know?

As a WPCG Company Administrator for your company you are responsible for managing your contractors through this process.

Your details will be provided to the contractors inside their induction profile as the initial point of contact if they have questions.

You will be able to view who in your company has completed the induction and when it is due to expire from your existing WPCG profile. There is now an icon for you to select titled “View Retail Site Induction Users”

You will not be able to book people in for the induction, they must register themselves.

How often does the Retail Induction need to be refreshed?

Every 2 years

Do I have to complete the induction for each WPCG member company?

No, so long as you have completed it once, each WPCG member company will recognise it. Each WPCG member company may have additional requirements.

When do I need to complete it by?

Each WPCG member company has set their expectations for completion, please check with them.

How do I complete the Retail Site Induction?

Individuals need to create their own account by selecting Login/Register at the top of the WPCG website home page and then select Retail Site Induction.

Do I have to complete the Retail Induction if I’m going to do the Work Clearance Issuer training?

No, so long as you complete the Work Clearance Issuer training before you work on a WPCG Member operated site.

I’m a Work Clearance Issuer do I need to complete the induction?

No, if you are a WPCG Work Clearance Issuer you do not need to do the induction as the content is covered as a part of your training. Anyone working under you who is not a WPCG Work Clearance Issuer will need to complete the induction.

Do I need to complete the Retail Induction?

All contractors performing work on WPCG Member operated sites are required to complete the induction to ensure they have the basic information on site access, hazards, and expectations of the site operators.  This includes co-workers or subcontractors performing work under a Work Clearance issued by a Work Clearance Issuer.

If you are a WPCG Work Clearance Issuer you do not need to complete the induction.

Lifting Certificate

When is a Lifting Certificate required?

A Lifting Certificate is required for all Critical and Higher Risk Critical Lifts as defined by the WPCG Activity Matrix

Where do I get the a Lifting Certificate?

The electronic version of the work permit has been updated to include the lifting certificate, you select this the same way you select the other WPCG higher risk certificate.

You can also download a PDF or Interactive PDF copy of the certificate and updated work permit from inside your WPCG profile under the Work Permit Form (PDF) icon. Pads of the new documents will be available in the future.

Who completes the Lifting Certificate?

As with the other WPCG Higher Risk certificates, the lifting certificate is completed by the Permit Officer

Are all of the controls in the Lifting Certificate mandatory?

No, as with the other WPCG higher risk certificates the controls will be dependent on the type of lift being performed and the associated risks.  The controls required for the work are identified on the completed certificate and the cross referenced Lift Plan and SWMS.

Who completes and signs off the lift plan?

The contractor performing the lift is responsible for the Lift Plan and the SWMS for the task. The Permit Officer ensures that there is a Lift Plan and a SWMS, and cross references these documents on the Lifting Certificate and Work Permit, respectively.  The Permit Officer asks the relevant questions to confirm the competency of the person providing the Lift Plan.  The Lifting Certificate supports the Permit Officer with prompts on some key controls that may be documented in the Lift Plan and SWMS, as applicable to the type of lift.

Minor Ground Disturbance Checklist

Can I use diesel concrete cutter in a hazardous area using the Work Clearance Form and Minimum Controls Checklists?

Yes, you require the Work Clearance Form with both the Ground Disturbance and Minor Hot Work Checklists and associated controls from all the forms in place. You are still required to do your risk assessment and have any controls for potential sparking in place. however if you are satisfied there will not be continual sparking like there is with an angle grinder then the work is considered minor hot work inside a hazardous area.

If there was continual sparking, or the concrete cutter was petrol driven, or not all controls on the Min Controls Checklist can be completed, then this would require a Work Permit and Permit Officer.

WPCG Minor Ground Disturbance Checklist. Does this mean a service provider can dig to a depth of 1.2m with hand tools to locate a leak, etc. without obtaining a permit writer or service locator etc.? And if so is this depth relevant inside a hazardous area? Can the service provider break through concrete foot path without any gas testing or isolation of fuel as this is not mentioned this checklist? And then continue to excavate to a depth of 1.2m?

There are several key points in this question that need to be understood:

  1. The WPCG Minor Ground Disturbance Checklist controls hazards associated with Minor Ground Disturbance only. Likewise, the WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist controls hazards associated with Minor Hot Work only.  If you are performing work involving Ground Disturbance in a Hazardous Area with electric or diesel-powered equipment then both Checklists will be required to ensure the safety of the work and compliance with WPCG Member Company requirements.
  2. At a depth of 1.2m or more a WPCG Member Company Permit is needed. The depth must be less than 1.2m to allow use of the WPCG Minimum Controls Checklist for Minor Ground Disturbance.  At 1.2m shoring requirements and the risk of collapse make the work potentially higher risk and of greater complexity.
  • If the Ground Disturbance / Excavation is to occur in a hazardous area, you also need to consider the WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist in addition to the WPCG Minor Ground Disturbance Checklist. If you are using more than cold work hand tools you will need to use the WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist or potentially a WPCG Member Company Permit.  Note that the use of a petrol powered concrete cutter requires a WPCG Member Company Permit.

The WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist contains controls specific to managing the risk of ignition within Hazardous Area.  If ignition sources are introduced, these need to be actioned to ensure the safety of the work.  A WPCG Member Company Permit will be needed if the work is outside the scope of the WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist or the controls within the WPCG Minor Hot Work Checklist cannot or will not be applied.

Is Before You Dig (BYDA) required for all ground disturbance, or is there a minimum depth?

No, BYDA is only required when underground service detection scanning is also required as per the minor ground disturbance checklist.

Minor Work at Height Checklist

Am I required to use the Minor Work At Height Checklist is using a ladder inside the shop?

Yes, if the work inside the inside falls into the scope of a minimum controls checklist the relevant checklist must be used.

Control of Work

What is the WPCG Work Authorisation Program?

The WPCG work authorisation program is one integrated program including the Permit to Work and the Work Clearance Systems. Both of these system covers training for low to high risk activities, managed by one organisation. The single system reduces confusion, has one point of contact for clarification, standardises processes across the three oil companies, simplifies the understanding of contractors and Permit Officers and creates a more efficient process by reducing time understanding the three oil companies systems.

Who is JulSen Consulting Pty Ltd?

To test the market on delivery of the new program, the WPCG went to an expression of interest and then tender process to select an Administrator to deliver training and administration of the total program.  Julsen Pty Ltd, who was the current Administrator, has won the tender program based on overall capability to deliver the program and costs to contractors and Permit Officers to complete the training, assessment and administration of the program.    Many of the familiar faces from WPCG will remain and new resources have been added.

What facilities does the WPCG accreditation apply to?

The system currently applies to work engaged by WPCG member companies (Ampol, bp and Viva Energy) or on WPCG member operated sites where the Work Clearance Form currently applies. i.e. service stations, commercial facilities, and depots.  The expansion to other WPCG member facilities is being reviewed by member companies. If you have any questions about other facility types (terminals, pipelines, aviation) please refer to the relevant oil company.

What if my company has its own Permit system?

The WPCG system, both the Work Clearance Form and Work Permit must be used as a minimum on WPCG member facilities where WPCG applies.  If your company has other requirements, you must consult your organization on whether these must be applied in addition to the WPCG system but note that they cannot be used instead of the WPCG system at WPCG member facilities where WPCG applies.

Can I use the Work Clearance or Permit Officer training on other sites (i.e on sites that are not BP, Ampol or Viva Energy sites within scope of the WPCG process)?

Whoever engages you as a contractor or Permit Officer is responsible and liable for your activities on their sites and they need to ensure you have been adequately trained and safe systems of work (amongst other duties of care and regulatory requirements). You and whoever engages you need to be aware that the WPCG and JulSen Consulting are not an RTO and this is not a nationally recognised course. The WPCG JV partners have no liability for implementation on non-JV partner sites.

What about the other oil companies will they be using this?

The WPCG is focused on implementing the changes for sites controlled by the program owners; Ampol, bp and Viva Energy.  Once the program is embedded and operating as planned, the WPCG may look to expand the program to other organisations, if they would like to be part of it.

Are the Work Clearance and Permit Officer Training recognised courses?

The WPCG training courses are not National Units of Competency (NUC), the WPCG and JulSen Consulting are not Registered Training Organisation (RTO).  If you wish to acquire a nationally recognised qualification, you will need to undertake training in the relevant NUC by an RTO.

How do I know what process is used for a specific activity?

Refer to the Activity Matrix, which outlines the minimum level of work authorisation is required for some general activities.

There may be some differences between the WPCG member companies in how this Permit to Work program is applied, what are they?

The WPCG Member companies are accountable for communicating any additional requirements that may remain within their organisations and updating you on any changes to individual company requirements.  It should be noted WPCG is a common Authority to Work process and is not a common Health, Safety, Security, and Environmental Management System.

Some key requirements of direct relevance to Permit to Work that will remain include:

bp will continue to require its’ Task Risk Assessment Process, known as HITRA, for all Work Permits that require the minimum level of authority to be a Senior Permit Officer.  Senior Permit Officers must be bp HITRA trained, IN ADDITION to being a WPCG Senior Permit Officer.  Contact bp for more information.

Viva Energy considers high risk work at height to be 1.8m, whereas bp considers it to be 2m, and Ampol does not specify.  Notwithstanding this, the risk of falling from one level to another must be considered and as such the Minimum Controls Checklists must be used for heights lower than these.  These heights are merely the triggers related to potential to fall when working within 2m of an exposed edge that would trigger a Work Permit.

What if I have question outside the process that has to do with the work being done?

Contact your WPCG Member Company representative. If in doubt, don’t commence work until you understand the requirements to ensure safe and compliant execution of the work.

If I use the online Clearance form, where will I get the Service Station and Depot Hazard maps and instructions for completing the forms?

The Hazard Maps are available on to view, download and/or print.  The Work Clearance Form pads will still have the hazard maps and instructions for completing.

WPCG Work Clearance Issuer

What is the WPCG Work Clearance Issuer accreditation?

The WPCG Work Clearance Issuer accreditation (WPCG Accreditation) is not an induction, it is the accreditation required for contractors to be able to self issue a WPCG form when conducting lower risk work on the oil company sites. The WPCG do have a Retail Site Induction program should you be required to complete it.

What is involved in getting the WPCG accreditation?

Once registered in the WPCG database the individual needs to:

  1. Complete the pre-learning
  2. Book in to and attend the face to face training (in a classroom or online)
  3. Complete an online assessment.

The accreditation is valid for two years after which you can maintain your accreditation by completing the online refresher prior to your expiry date.

How do I book into a training class?

You need to book online. Simply head to the Login or Register page and create an account. Fill in your details and select the “Issuer” box when choosing an accreditation option. After clicking on submit, you will receive an email with your Unique ID. It may take up to 2 hours to receive your email. Login with your Unique ID and password, and book your chosen class via the My Training menu option in the system.

Does everyone in the work crew need the accreditation?

As a minimum, at least one person on the work crew needs to be an accredited Work Clearance Issuer. That individual must remain on site at all times. If for any reason they need to leave, the work must stop or another Work Clearance Issuer must authorise the work to continue.

Anyone working under a Work Clearance on a WPCG member company facility must have completed the WPCG Retail Site Induction.

If my WPCG accreditation has expired, can I just do the online refresher course?

No, you will need to complete the face-to-face training course again.

Is it a WorkCover requirement to have the training?

WPCG Clearance Training is not required by OHS/WHS law. Some clients require contractors to be accredited when working on their sites (Ampol, bp and Viva Energy).

Do I need to complete training before working on live sites? Is training just to make people more aware and educated about working on lives sites, or is it essential to complete the course?

Only clients can decide whether contractors or subcontractors need to be accredited before taking on work.

Do I require the WPCG accreditation for decommissioning works?

You will need to approach your client company regarding their requirements. The WPCG members (Ampol, bp and Viva Energy) do require use of the WPCG clearance form for all decommissioning works.

How do I change my company details?

You can transfer your WPCG accreditation to another company. Fill out the following form from our website.  Link to Change Company Details.

Our company has WPCG accreditation, can we use the WPCG logo on our website?

The WPCG accreditation is an individual accreditation, it is not a company accreditation. You may use the WPCG logo on your website so long as you do not imply or state that the business is WPCG accredited. It is acceptable for you to state that you have technicians that are WPCG accredited. Contact WPCG administration to obtain a copy of the logo for use.

I need a new card, what do I do?

You can print out a paper copy of your card via your profile. Log into your profile, go to My Training. From here you can print out a paper copy of your card and a certificate. Plastic cards are no longer issued.

How do I find out if an individual is accredited?

You can find current WPCG accredited contractors on our website. Please note, not all contractors have chosen to list their details.

Click here for Accredited Contractors