Need to change the details you have registered with us?
Please provide us with the following information:
Select details to be updated (required) CompanyIndividual
Your name: (required)
Your email: (required)
Contact phone no:(required)
Your WPCG ID: (required if individual)
Provide the following details of the company that you would like us to change your profile to: (DO NOT PROVIDE YOUR HOME ADDRESS - THIS MUST BE YOUR COMPANY ADDRESS):
Name of Company: (required)
Street Address/PO Box: (required)
Suburb: (required)
State: (required)
PostCode: (required)
Attach a copy of your current WPCG card if you are changing the address details for an individual. File attachment:
Additional Information (If you don't have a copy of your card, provide as much information you have that was on your registration to verify your account (eg, who trained you, where were you trained, when were you trained, contact details used on your registration, etc....)
Note: if you experience errors when sending the form, just send us the information required to enquiries@wpcg.com.au